Use the angles to listen to what it is telling you.


Holz, Öpastellkreide, Kleiderspenden, Plastiktüten, Yukka Palme, Sandsäcke, ca. 60 x 60 x 300 cm, 2015
Wood, oilpastell colour, cloth donations, plastig bags, yucca palm, sandbags, ca. 60 x 60 x 300 cm, 2015

We are the aliens, Saarländisches Künstlerhaus Saarbrücken, 2017
Wheels keep on turning, Landesvertretung Rheinland Pfalz, RLP LV, Berlin, 2018

Im Vordergrund:

Slow down to get together (Gegenstücke)
So why not give it a chance? (Trampolin)